”It is not from the benevolence of the butcher the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”
- Adam Smith from his book Wealth of Nations
thanks Greggy C. ;)
In today's grueling and chaotic atmosphere, there is often little genuine good will to be seen at most. However, there is no question that the intrinsic goodness in each person’s heart remains. Adam Smith may have been right in saying that it is not because people want to be good that they do their tasks. It must be fear of punishment or love of some reward.
What interests me in this particular text is the fact that Adam Smith used dinner, something the least wealthy and the most well off have in common. I think that with that example, Smith was effectively telling us that his belief was not to be confined in any social class, he was actually saying that no matter how high or low you are in the eyes of others.
I was preliminarily thinking of reflecting on this as a RELSTRI (Christian Morality) thing but I thought that it would be better if I share my thoughts with the few whoe read this journal.
As animals, we have the intrinsic desire to survive. We've been around for a couple thousand of years and this is because of the constant advancements in our civilization that enable us to adapt to changes that would otherwise wipe us off the face of the planet. As humans, we are also capable of love and affection. This not only explains romance between individuals but also tells us why we have compassion for out fellowmen.
Smith has spoken for the majority of the Human Population. Why would you work for womeone you have no affinity with? Why do every tiring task to benefit not your own but another man's?
This is the challenge we face. To a certain extent I think that Smith was just being practical. And we need to be practical these days. However, a part of me says that if all of us are to do their part in society just to get their share, then we might not be living up o the ideals we set for ourselves. What good is a life where you exist to survive? exist to work and be exhausted, be exploited. Would it not be much better if we were to veneer ourselves in a veil of sophistry?
Not evryone will agree! The path to go is to be decided by each man alone. He has to balance being practical and ideal to arrive in a compromise that would propel him the way he wishes till his expiration...