Saturday, August 05, 2006

Current thoughts... an hour put to waste

Just felt like writing...

Grant me O Lord whatever you please

Impart on me O Lord enough acumen to advance my thinking
but not to an extent that i will go blinking

Provide me shelter to ensure my well being
but not so that I may brag a single thing

Grant me O God enough material wealth so that I may live a decent and dignified life
but let me not accumulate more than what I can slave

Shower me with your providence in every aspect
but not to the point that You'd loose my respect

Bless me with a number of loyal, grateful friends
but grant that I may not find any one of them a mortal fiend

Bestow on me the gift of reasoning, the gift of logic to easy my mundane brain's misery
but leave space for your mighty tonic of mystery

Most importantly...

Make me understand Lord what I do not.
Allow me to discern your real purpose in bringing me into this seemingly bland existence...
else cease my thirst for an answer and settle me into nihilism instead...

*God/Lord references no particular supreme being.


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