Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What is real?

Take for instance the computer screen you use to view this very write-up. How do you know that it is in fact real? How do you ascertain whether an event, a being, a feeling is real? Is it physical presence? Or perhaps logical soundness for the more intellectually conscious of us.

What is it that differentiates our imagination from reality? If one answers a particular phrase or quotes a particular definition, that very same person will surely be able to supply a counter argument if only he’d open up his views regarding the matter.

Are we real? Or are we simply products of our very own imagination. Is God real? How do we know? We have never seen him nor talked to him amongst other things. Love, Friendship, Hope, are all these emotions really existent? How do we know?

In a world of arbitrary proportions, no one can actually define reality. We settle for a primitive, closed minded approach to reality. That is, we take for granted those beyond our league and simply dismiss the fact that there is actuality beyond what we think is actual.

Bottom Line: Think outside the box! Think Big! Just because they say so doesn’t make their saying a saying unless you kiss their asses.

I hope you guys understood my point :D I just want to share my thoughts with you peers :D

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Big things start small (not that intellectual after all haha!)

No matter what argument one contends with the one above, No matter the human experience and expectation one might put forth in justifying otherwise, it is a well-known yet unproved assertion that Big things do start small. Now let me just share a few lines of thought regarding this matter incited by a close friend of mine.

Take for instance a big-time fraud syndicate leader. It is believed that such persons developed their habit not in one big blow but in comparatively small and gradual increments over time.

A liar being able to evade the techniques employed by a lie detector sure didn’t learn that on one sitting. The person should’ve gone intensive training in that practice or may have had real life experiences leading him into a position worthy of being called “Master-Liar”.

Another example is a friendship. One would not pour out all his trust and care to an acquaintance in their first meeting. This would be done over time, little by little knowing the friend a bit better. One would be imprudent to suddenly jump into a conclusion that a being is trustworthy or an entity is a good place to invest money in without considering the ins and outs of such a relationship.

All these have to be built little by little until such a point that one has built enough confidence to finally expend hard earned trust into fruits of friendship or fruits of investment.

Man didn’t have giant skyscrapers and towers before. All he had were primitive scout towers giving him a limited range of sight. Gargantuan hard drives that now populate our desktops didn’t come in those sizes back then! They actually had drives with capacities of 512 MB or less! (I owned a 512 MB HDD before myself!)

No wonder that Big things actually come from small things, things we often take for granted and shrug off our shoulders.