Friday, June 09, 2006


Life as we know is pronounced with rules and standards. School, relationships, politics, and morality, good and evil… all else… Related to this issue is the issue regarding the existence of norms… Now let me bring this to a totally new level…

What if our very existence was brought forth by arbitrary choices made by some arbitrary arbiter… haha Life would totally have no meaning… (to those who think it has one at least) Take for example the concept of being right or being logically sound. If these were to be viewed as arbitrary choices and not as universal truths, our very conception of the universe will surely change.

It is ideal that we live in a world with purpose, with order and with a clear direction. However dedicated we are to such a precarious idea, it is never safe to just shut ourselves in this realm of a seemingly illustrious illusion. However, no readily conceivable evidence proves or disproves that dream or its contrary.

I wonder why MS word tells me to change “its” into “it’s” in the previous sentence… Seems like it has an arbitrary way of detecting wrong grammar… Well is this thought in itself arbitrary? We may never know… But what we know of today is in the world where we exist, certain things can’t be answered and to our judgment rests these things’ fate.


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