Monday, May 29, 2006

On Man's purpose

My Highschool Literature teacher taught us that whatever we find in the written works of those before us are probably reflections of the author's time. There was of course purpose in their efforts.

This question has long bothered me. Until today however, no one has been able to give me a concrete and realistic answer.

Religious people may argue that our absolute purpose is to glorify our Creator - I've got no problem with them believing that! What would bother me is the existence of a higher being creating inferiors only for his or her self gratification. (He or She wouldn't be a good role model right?)

Others (myself included) may argue that we exist merely to help our brethren. However, do we not see that without our brethren we wouldn;t have that responsibility? In simple terms, man is reducible to NULL. If we are to exist just to help ourselves, then we might as well cease to exist.

Still others may claim that we exist solely to exist and there is no other thing to life. -same argument applies. ><

Let's try it on a grander scale....

What can be the purpose of a god? To rule over something you say? But without the god, there wouldn't be the world he would be governing...

On a smaller scale...

What's the purpose of a cat? to catch mice? >< Would we need the cat if it served us no purpose?

Perhaps... Perhaps not...

This question may never be answered. Still it serves as a good exercise for out rusty intellectual engines! :D


Blogger Aja said...

You exhibit:
Religion from the words of a computer programmer.

"reducible to NULL?" :lol:

But seriously, who knows what really is going on with our lives? The mind is really a very complex thing.

Maybe we are in The Matrix, living on a parallel world inside a chamber with sockets on the back of our necks.

Maybe only I exist, and all of you only exists in my mind and my perception that I may have the feeling of belongingness.

I guess we'll never know.

2:32 AM  
Blogger kungikawinday said...

"...What would bother me is the existence of a higher being creating inferiors only for his or her self gratification. (He or She wouldn't be a good role model right?)."

Not true at all. God is not suffering from poor self-image that he has to use his creation to lift himself up.

Rather, he ordained that man's purpose is to glorify Him, because He knows that man can only find "fullness of joy" when man is in God's presence (Ps 15:11). And God's manifest presence dwells in our praises (or acts of glorifying Him).

Hence, there is a direct connection between man's purpose of glorifying God and our true happiness. Therefore we are instructed by our Maker to glorify Him, for our own complete joy.

It's still FOR YOU mate!

11:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you answered the question yourself...without God, man has no real purpose. yes, we are inferior to our Lord and why wouldn't we want to be? i love knowing that God reigns supreme, has it all figured out AND CHOOSES TO LOVE ME...A SINNER! In HIM, though, my sins are washed away and i can commune with the eternal God. while on earth, we're told to love others ( the poor, the orphaned, the widowed, the oppressed) and tell them about Jesus, our Saviour - the Light of the world. Our purpose is in Him. Blessings.

10:53 AM  

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